About the Journal

Journal of Advanced Geospatial Science & Technology (JAGST) welcomes quality research in the area of Advances on Geospatial science & technology) for the use of Natural science, space atmosphere and also empirical studies that involves:

o  Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, and Deep learning
o  IoT, sensors, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone), Light Detection and Ranging
o  (Lidar), Hyperspectral and High spatial resolution satellite data application, ground penetration radar  (GPR), Laser scanning
o  Big geo data including geo cloud computing
o  Geovisual analytics and modelling
o  3D and multi- dimensions Geographic Information System (GIS)
o  Advances in Geo-crowdsourcing and Volunteered Geographic Information
o  Advances in geodesy, geodynamics, and deformation monitoring
o  Ocean dynamics and tidal modeling
o  Advances in satellite geodesy, photogrammetry and hydrography

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